Friday, December 24, 2004

What's wit Blogging siak??

I had a conversation with one of my friend the previous night..When I told him that im going to start blogging his reaction was "What's wit bloggin siak?",and i realise not evryone will be estatic abt this. He went on and said "wats d point of bloggin wen nobody is goin to read it?". Instead of being offensive and gave him a piece of my mind and tell him to be happy for me that now ive step into this bloggin world n for me its sumthg exciting,(i noe it sounds lame!)i told him yeah maybe no one will ever read my blog but dats not one of d main reason y i hav one nw,its individual preferences n dat is his point of view. i mean dis bloggin thingy has been ard for ages, i didn't bother much until last yr,i just did not hav time to create a blog until now i finally sat dwn n create it..the thing abt blog is, its not abt only writing ur entires but also d part wen u r creating it dats y ive been delaying to hav a blog of my own 'creating it' takes alot of work..damn those html codes[*thax to blogskin for d ready made templates ;)]! Anyways i juz want to hav a gd time writting my tots n opinions while im at it n no i dun want to impress anyone (*hehe mayb myself la) wit d contents of my blog..

On another note, thrs a news that occured which really disturbed my mind. Its abt a 9yr old girl frm Kedah being raped then killed by 14 foreigners. How more cruel can mankind be?? Shes so freaking young, what were d thoughts that ran thru their minds while they commit that crime?? Were they that heartless?? 14 MEN and a young girl visualising it, the young girl must have been helpless..Poor soul..Haizzz..Salam takziah untuk mereka sekeluarga..

**PS: My condolences also goes out to Elfyzawaty and her family whose grandfather passed away laast tuesday.


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