Sunday, April 30, 2006

Did you notice..? How alarmingly jovial Singaporeans have become for the past couple of days..? Did you notice, almost everyone glowed? Did you notice how most places are crowded with throngs of people? Did you notice how painstakingly long the queues are at the atm machines? Well i certainly noticed! No bonus points to guess what causes these aye..?

Duh! The Progress Package money is out!

To all fellow shoppers , i wish us luck these coming couple of days to brave through any obstacles that awaits us, let the retail theraphy begins..!
*rubs boths hands gleefully with evil grin*

Friday, April 28, 2006

Last week this complimentary tickets came in my mailbox. I had won 2 passes to watch Take The Lead from a contest in Berita Harian.

I was eager to watch the movie last tuesday that i rushed off my work and went straight to meet my date, which was none other than Elfy! The woman suggested we catch the movie at The new Cathay Cineplex, which we later bumped into Fai and had a lovely short time to chat and tease each other, similarly he was there for a free movie also..

But what do i think of the new cineplex..? of course there was so much to rave about! Firstly it was spacious, and the interior was definitely ultrachic and modern (oh yeah they even had a phallus-shaped sofa lined up for you to chill while waiting for your show to start, cool huh?heh), but what amazes me was the snack counter! Now not only it was a very long counter, and sell your regular snacks but they had food for you to dig in too! Like pasta, pizza, sandwiches, desserts like cakes and ice-cream! Elfy and myself never tried first hand if the food taste good but we bought our popcorns which Fai had warned us earlier that it was sinfully unsually delicious! No kidding! It taste extra sweet with a tinge of caramel, and me who wasnt actually a big fan of popcorns was chomp chomping away! And my new favourite uber delicious snack that i discovered there was the Cinnamon Stick people!! You guys got to really try that! Its not only super long in size eh, but it was crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside provided of course if you like cinnamon, taste sweet! I really had to order it when i saw the sticks turning like a carousel inside the heater, i think its the heater for the cinnamon sticks yeah that's what it is, though im not sure what the correct term is..

Anyways about the movie, well if you like grooving to hiphop beats, watch cool and slick dance moves or in fact just drool over Antonio Banderas, then you will definitely love the movie (though i find it draggy after one and half hours).. Plus since it was based on a true story, it was inspiring to watch, really, it sure got Elfy and me being more adamant now that we should not procastinate any longer and sign up for Ballroom Dancing like we always wanted! I want i want! i want to salsa, rhumba, foxtrot, waltz away my ass man!! It looks so damn nice in the movie la!
Oh yeah if you are going to watch it with your boyfriend, they might learn a thing or two about respect! I mean when was the last time a man stands in your presence or opens the door for you..?! Well Pierre Dulaine (Antonio Banderas)does ladies! And you know what? I think it was all sexy, inspiring, educational as well as romantic, it really got to the couples watching it! They left the theatre all smitten,hugging and smooching publicly, it was a sight i tell ya that we giggled when we were in the lift because we were literally surrounded by these couples! Which made us the odd couple out, (and i think the couples that was seated beside elfy's side and my side was giving us the odd look because we were actually snuggling and cuddling with each other,but woi the air-con was freezing so bad that we only had each other to warm up la!)

So there, that was my highlight of the week, my tuesday my only fun day for the week, since i was working on other days, and its not fun walking around all day for work okay!

Ballroom dancing anyone..? I need a partner!

p/s: the soundtrack for the movie rocks!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Why is it that everytime i watch a romance flick, i felt all mushy and emotional inside? as if it felt like falling in love yourself..? and i had thoughts running in my head such as "see there is hope! happy endings exist..",

But after all that sappy, saccharine feelings diminish, i felt like a sore loser all over again..

Damnn those lovey-dovey,whimsical,tear-jerker movies ..

Friday, April 21, 2006

This new fragrance is an intoxicating blend of nostalgic top notes - violet and green clover, fresh lilac, honeysuckle and then warmed with sandalwood and musk, adding an opulent, ultra-feminine twist to a new classic. A fragrant flowering vine, Wisteria delivers the sweet romantic charm of a walk through the country garden.

Now how can one not fall in love with a scent like that..?you tell me? Im so hooked over the scent ever since i got a bottle of it for free after purchasing Elfy's birthday present which exceed a certain amount..It smells so nice that i unknowingly kept sniffing my hand at random! It made me feel so sensual in a classic kind of way, oh my mama is also raving about it!

For now, I'm sorry Victoria's Secret body lotion will be left neglected ;)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sometimes the truth gets to me..
It slipped my mind
And when the hurt comes hurling in,
I then remembered how much pain it caused me..

Why dont we ever learn..?

Time and time again
I lied to myself
I thought i could love without asking his's in return
I was wrong
I was dead wrong...


Pride can stand a thousand trials,
the strong will never fall
But watching stars without you,
my soul cried.
Heaving heart is full of pain,
oh, oh, the aching.
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh.
I'm kissing you, oh.
Touch me deep, pure and true,
gift to me forever
'Cause I'm kissing you, oh.
I'm kissing you, oh.
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
'Cause I'm kissing you.
I'm kissing you, oh.
~Kissing You by Des'ree~

The most vulnerable song which can bring me to tears each time i listen to it..
Somehow the tune bears all the pain and sadness that i felt with my wounded heart..
It can be unbearably aching

I am still in grief though it never actually depicts how i really am in person
That's the truth..
Im trying so hard to heal trust me i tried..
Don't say i never..

Told ya i have my 'i hate today' day ;)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I've been neglecting my mac actually thus my stagnant blog, not that i have a choice anyway.. My mouse had gone berserk on me, it refused to work especially at critical times when i need to publish my entry! And last night when the red optical light stop glowing,that was the last straw.

Finally today i had gotten myself a new mouse! Aaaah the joy of being able to work on my mac station without a tinge of frustation.. My new mouse by the way, is jet black in colour, looks suave, well i think so hehe and this time the optical light is blue in colour very pleasing to my eyes, instead of the previous glaring red!

But honestly i was surprised that i actually did not go crazy when my former mouse died on me, hence disconnecting me from my cyber world. Usually i would grumbled and became agitated, because you see the internet is the first thing i switch on when i wake up, when i got back,oh heck! i rely my daily life on the internet when im at home, but of course the many impending work stuffs that needed to be completed!

The reason i could not care less each time my mouse hang was due to that, i found something else to keep me occupied, uh huh im in the midst of reading a very riveting book! The book i must say had me glued to it, when im eating, when im doing my chores, when i watch television, basically i cant simply put it down. Its The Da Vinci Code. I know i know, laugh at me! When everyone else had read it, im surprised at myself also. Well what can i say? The person who was supposed in fact promised to lend it to me when the book was just released back then had gone back to australia, so you see i never got around to read the book,i was content with friends to summarise the story for me and watch the documentary about the facts and fiction of the Da Vinci code just to get a gist of it.. That was until i realise the movie will premiere next month (it seems just like yesterday when they just started production, so fast!), and somehow i really need to read the book (although ive seldom read a book that was going to be adapted to screen, because i knew the expectations that i have will be killed), and so i did thanks to NuZ for letting me borrow it!! Hehee and knowing that Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou is acting in the movie, it makes my visualisation of the characters in the book much easier! So there now i know what's all the fuss about this book though ive yet to finish reading it, and i will right after i publish this post! im fascinated really ..


My condolences to Baidah for the demise of her beloved grandma who passed away on thursday past midnight..

Who could have thought aye that bad news can actually bring people together despite the differences we had recently.. love you baidah, take care :)
I was reading Life! last tuesday's paper and an article in particular interest me. The article under the Culture Vulture column written by Ong Sor Fern titled 'Film-makers here should unite'.

I do share the same sentiments with the title wholeheartedly even without reading the content. Yes local film-makers enthusiats and alike understand how difficult it is to produce an independent film. The difficulties does not only lies in the budget but everything right down to the nitty gritty details.

But at the same time while i was reading the article, i asked myself on what grounds should these film-makers unite?

We knew that film-makers here groan about how cliche it is to make films here. We complain that our local audience do not know how to appreciate our work and that something more should be done to nurture the scene so that it will flourish. And so far well, its definitely not fair to say that nothing has been done. 3 years back before i went to my school,i do not know other schools that offered film courses, most prominent one i knew of is at Ngee Ann Poly. But now we have so many schools offering these courses, be it new private schools or government aided and in fact primary and secondary schools have these courses as their CCA (my sister's school is an example). The past year too there's a big hoo-haa about developing Singapore into a media hub hence the existence of severals local competitions to encourage the youths and let's not forget Lucasfilm Animation opening its quarters here.

Therefore we see paths opening, hopes arising and requests being fulfilled although the major ones are not. But still what do we lack of? Why is it the film scene is glum over here? How come those talented film-makers doing a string of short films or the indie films are not receiving rave reviews from the public?

I dont know about other people's conclusion but i have my own opinion, i believed local film-makers here produced too many short films and are too artsy for the public to understand. Dont get me wrong, i praise and appreciate them really i do, this proves that we Singaporeans does not fall short on creative people who dare to put their ideas and thoughts to screen. But sometimes is showcasing art-house films is all there is to it in Singapore film scene? I always wonder why cant there be more homemade blockbuster movies? The number of commercial films that are released each year can be counted by only one hand with 5 fingers and these films are always by the same bunch of people; Jack Neo, Eric Khoo, Jack Neo and Jack Neo but hey no not that i despise watching movies made by the same people, trust me i respect the work that they do! Although of course there was Glen Goei (Forever Fever), Keng Sen Ong (Army Daze) which i must add they made 2 of the most entertaining commercial films locally!

My point here is that maybe we local film-makers here should dare to produce a long feature films/movies! Yeps i know i sound insanely ridiculous and some people may say its just wishful thinking, but hey look at Royston Tan! He made it possible when he made the short film 15 into a feature, isnt it great if we have our own varieties of feature films to watch, different genre and different style of film-making?

Though some may argued that this never can happen here, because we do not have much facilities which im sure if we divulge the problem we can work that out, the government has been encouraging dont they(or so it seems)? Or the fact that art-house film-makers will defend their passion for film-making is strictly for art and not for commercial distribution, but isnt it one of the reason we created these works for people to watch and admire it? I guess you can say if i am to be an establish film-maker one day (again my wishful thinking here) i will be that of a money-minded kind, well making films you must admit that it is a money-making business right? Well why not use that formula? Now im not entirely all about the money, it is lucrative indeed but im the sort who prefers to make movies solely to entertain. Only then after you are as famous as Jack Neo (to be realistic for local context),its in your power to produce films as artistic as Wong Kar Wai.

Then maybe this is a way film-makers should unite,(just like we all know that other countries have unions of their own) discuss the possibility and the boundaries. Like take a step forward from talented short film-makers to a noted feature film-maker. Instead of mulling, what will work?

Well im just contributing two cents of my thoughts, because i truly agree with the writer's quote at the end of his article, he mentioned when we buy the tickets we decide whether the locals film live or die.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

So this maybe a little bit overdue, i wanted to blog about this the moment i got back but well due to this and that, heh i procastinate it took me about a week to finally update on this entry!

Yes yes Elfy's last minute chill-out session at a one night chalet for her birthday
was a great success! With plenty of her friends streaming in, meeting up with old faces that i had not seen for so many years was just splendid,good food to spread the joy, lapping up on humour was simply crazy i tell ya! I enjoyed myself too much in fact, guilty as charged! Especially when my dad called me up to warn me not to enjoy myself too much, you know the old saying of 'Jangan suka-suka nanti nangis' means 'Mind yourself not to have so much fun, you might end up in tears', yes my dad is that paranoid la although i so know it was my mama in the background that reminded him to tell me that and to take care of myself, oh that cute parents of mine! But there was no doubt there were tears! Tears of laughter and well happiness for the birthday lady!

And shout out to Yazif, Az and zif's friend for coming down past midnight, thank you guys! i was glad you came!

Anyways here goes the intimate surprise that Baidah and me had for Elfy. We wanted to carry out the surprise when everyone had left. But by 2am i was already worn out and it was impossible to wait for everyone to leave. And much thanks to Nyla, Elfy's sister for co-operating with us!

I summarise the surprise using the pictures:

**Apologies to some of the typo errors in the photos! well what do you expect selecting and editing them at such ungodly hour for the past days no matter how groggy i was! Ok screw me that wasnt valid enough! heh i was lazy to edit them mistakes after i saved them,so there!

There you go just a little something from us to her, we were glad that she loves our gifts!

Anyways here are some of the random (of the plentiful lot) photos taken with some friends during the chalet :)

With all that said (by the photos i meant) well the cake says it all!!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I love the day yesterday and also today
Its not everyday we get to have a day so happy and merry.
The kind of joy that makes you think at the end of the day 'hey,i had a great day!'

So why do i love the day yesterday?
Because i met durai and kiko whom ive not seen for quite a while, to collect the Canon cert of finalist participation. But the highlight was when we were humoring each other with stupid jokes! Now that was enough to make me 'love' my day!

Then it was a date for 3 ladies and A guy. Uh huh, and that lucky guy was my gendeng.. Its not everyday a guy score a date with 3 ladies at one go and the ladies are best friends some more..Gendeng is one of the most generous guy around i tell you, he insisted on a movie date and dinner with Elfy, baidah and myself since he could not make it for Elfy's birthday chalet last Sunday. Although i would have preferred gendeng for myself without the other 2 around, hehe nonetheless i enjoyed myself immensely la. We watch Ice Age 2 (seriously if you need a good laugh and i mean really good, this animation movie will not disappoint you at all!) and had our dinner at far east but not before we got lost on our way there, because yours truly was as usual will never be good at giving directions on road! I action know only lor heh..
Gendeng and Baidah did their bit of shopping but with gendeng spending large of course before he left for his appointment in the evening. Thank you gendeng for your wonderful company and money (oops)!! No no of course i dont really mean that, honestly you have made us 3 ladies (who happened to wear skirts coincidentally) a bunch of happy bloated but sated people!And the birthday lady was very much thankful to you!

So these 3 lasses was still exhilarated and believed that they were sluttish enough to call up another guy to join them! Yes we are crazy like that.. So in the mean time while waiting for the other fella to reach and the heavy rain to subside, what better place to seek refuge at a retail shop right ladies? we pop into Mango by the sidewalk at Lido and had the best time of our life (trust me anything retail will be the many best time in any woman's life,oh well at least i believe so) how can we not? The new collection was to-die-for! It became a playground for us, giggling with each other's silly antics as we tried on clothes for our own amusement. Oh and ive fallen in love with one of the bags in Mango, the one in black instantly reminded me of "Happy Mother's Day" i mean i might get mama that next month but i like the one in pink the same design but i dont really care much for myself even if i get her the black one, it will automatically be half mine, what better reason to spend and not feel guilty? ;)

By the time Fai came with his friend its major chaos all over again! Teasing Fai endlessly, as he choke on his mash potato,irritate him senseless, i was sure it must be the caffeine from Starbucks that we 3 ladies consumed (free ok!im not the kind who spends much on boutique coffee(that's what i call them) really! Give me kopi peng for $1.20 i'll be more than contented)..And to add some adventure to the day who could have believed that my dear baidah showed us the wrong exit at isetan and triggered the alarm, we were spooked obviously because we didnt know! But with all coolness we walked out calm and collected but hell it was fun in a scary way!

Before we went our separate ways, hugging each other for final comfort and then familiarity seeps in, these people with whom i can jest around without taking things to heart, laugh till my tummy ache, talk about anything, and best of all being blunt to each other because we are friends for so many years.. I adore you 2 idiots and fai the other idiot!

And today! i met up with celeste, its been ages too since i met her! Female bonding at its best and to discover that she and i thinks that Filipino men are gorgeous(i thought i was the only other person)!!! And a vocalist from a certain local band (i shall not disclose the name of his band) is hot too and with a sexy voice to boot! We discussed about random things, places to travel, the prospect of our future to gossips..It was utter delightment to gush about so many things on such a short time!

Therefore i felt the 2 days were well-spent, but whats the point of my entry? besides filling up the space of what ive been up to, its actually these people ive mentioned here that matters! You know with these kind of companionships it makes my everyday bearable and happy! Im looking forward to have more 'i love today',lovely days to keep me sane despite i know i will have my 'i hate today' day, but dont we all..?

P/s: if there's anything that could have dampen my mood was that i failed to bring along my camera on both days!! *smacks forehead*

Saturday, April 01, 2006

With all the excitement going on for tomorrow the last thing i want is a dripping nose!!
Its been dripping like nobody's business!
I loathe having flu! Flu is evil!
Haizz blame it on my mama and sister for passing it on to me. Thanks but NO Thanks!

Although i have my daily sinus, having the flu all day irritates the hell out of me hokay!
i get agitated at anything and anyone! Trust me, i feel like like spitting vulgarities at everything that crosses my path! i lost my focus on what i was suppose to finish up by tomorrow!!No good no good! I cannot feel anything on my face,its going numb on me eh, and the nose,oh my god the NOSE is getting redder than a clown's nose and its ballooning i tell ya!! I feel so worst that right now im stomping at every button on my keyboard!!!

But well the nose did soothe itself for awhile when i was slurping thai beef noodle at siam kitchen for dinner earlier at causeway point..yes im still feeling thailand..i love thai food! Gosh it felt great downing the soup with a dash of sambal and a whole lot of Cili Padi! and by the way i think i look so shabby just now! See what flu does to you?! I dont even care what i was wearing or give a hoot if everyone thinks that i just got out of bed!

I pray i feel a million times better tomorrow morning..i have too! there's so much activity going on! with 2 birthday parties to go to!i cannot afford to be grumpy, elfy has already warn me, so i hope the chill(flu) pill i took will do some good..sigh..

Good night everyone and stay flu-free (for your own good)..