Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am into frumpy clothes, big sweatshirts and tasteless tops. Jeans are my life. Bare naked face without cosmetics is the season's look and Eyebags are the most in thing to have right now!!

Sigh.. what have I turned into? I swear(!)to the state of fashion bureau I still loooveee fashion to death! But I am willingly surrendering myself to fashion police so the fashion high court can charge me with fashion homicide within myself which resulted me turning unfashionable currently.

Seriously, can someone send me to rehab? Ouh make that a specific fashion rehab please.

(They tried to make go rehab and I said 'please please please'...)

But as unfashionable as I may be now since I'm going for the "i couldn't be bothered look", I can tell you the latest hot runaway looks at a flick of my tougue. I just need effort to come back to me...

**Be right back when I can because I can't wait to gush about my recent trip which literally took my breath away.


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