Monday, October 31, 2005

Its been awhile since i watch a good movie, oh wait let me rephrase that
Its been awhile since i catch a movie which was good.

So gendeng ask me out for a movie after a brief meeting, and the only movie im dying to watch other then Flight Plan and Into the Blue was Domino.

Im a sucker for 'base on a true story' kinda movie.

Because its a true story im drawn to the main character, and begin to question her actions, i have a 'thing' watching rebellious female characters.

The last female character that i was very drawn with was Aileen Wuornos, the serial killer. Ive watched Monster which starred Charlize Theron as well as her real life documentary both the first and second parter, The Selling of A Serial Killer (1992) & Life and Death of A Serial Killer (2003) - which i dragged Gendeng my beloved beau then to watch with me when it was having its rare premier here in Singapore for a few days.
I was smitten with Aileen (now, not in that 'sort' of way if you get my drift), but im also confused with her personality, although the crimes that she had done disgust me i could not help but felt a sense of pitiness towards her after i watch the other side of her who was actually a warmth person.

Anyways right not I'm smitten with Domino Harvey, ive been researching and reading about her life to compare with the movie which by the way although its base on a true story, the plot wasnt entirely true,(it was kind of them to actually mention that before the movie started). Im intrigue with this woman who chose to be a bounty hunter, her fetish for having 'some fun' was violence, strong headed,and someone who was restless in finding her true identity.

The movie doesnt actually depicts her true life story but nonetheless very entertaining in a very artsy way. Yups those who prefer watching a movie without much headache and twist, you wouldnt want to watch this. This is because the cinematography is very arty-farty, which wasnt really hardcore if you dont mind the occassional flashbacks, the narrator repitition dialogues and its raw feel to it, think 'Spun' or 'City of God'. The pace may be draggy at the beginning but it will pick up soon after and you will be drawn to it and gripping to your seat to know what happen next because frustation may overcome you when each twist was uncovered.

Well i may exaggerate the part about 'gripping' to your seat, in case anybody curse me that it wasnt worth of their $8.50 and that they didnt actually grip to their seats, keep in mind this is my point of view and yes that was the truth i was gripping to my seat because of the suspense as well as the bloody theatre was very very cold,since i can count with my fingers the people who watch the movie therefore not much body heat was produced, according to gendeng if the movie will end much later he would have froze and die in there, hehee

Im glad Gendeng kinda like the movie,


one of the perks is you get to watch Keira Knightly tits who played Domino in the movie.



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