Thursday, November 01, 2007

One of the main reason i miss working on a Mac was how painless it was to manage one and it is not easily prone to virus like working on a pc platform...

Having said that, yes my lappie has been infected with Malwares actually means 'malicious softwares'. Never have I delved deep into finding out what they were until the other I spent the whole night reading and researching what it's all about .. That is how much we Mac users took for granted, well for me at least heh.

After much reading up and consulting the ever tech-savy Ms Lini & Hubby, I have to get my laptop to reconfigure. What I dread is having to back up my files..

Oh Joy! *with much sarcasm*

Other then this malwares thingy which put a pout on my lips because my system is not working properly, the past week or so had been fab. Enjoyable working hours despite work is strangely piling up again, we the crazy people at work had squeeze what little time we have for our own raya house visiting to the seniors. Proclaiming ourselves beyond camwhores, we took photos at every possible angle we could. Photos will be uploaded soon right after I have reconfigured my lappie..

The off day on Monday was spent shopping with mama and the sister in town. Very aptly, all retail shops are selling their winter collection. Excitement brewing on what to get for my sister's upcoming trip and it was hard holding back squeals of delightment everytime I saw apparels which caught my eyes. With the way I am coordinating what my sister should wear I have overlook the matter that it has to be practical for her. Heh let's not forget it is an educational trip afterall, but with the looks of it she is going to be dress up ready to strut the sidewalks cafe in paris..

To which I blatantly said to my sister ' maybe kakak should go instead, what do you think?' ..

Sigh she ought to pack her sister along, the least she could do is be sympathetic to how desperate I need a break. It wasn't helping at all that my intentions of going India/Kashmir is building up rapidly. If only I could motivate myself to save money in 4 months time.. We'll see.

You people take care and have a lovely day later!


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