Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I apologise if ive turned down any of u darlings to meet up for the past couple of weeks im just as bitter!

Let's get this week clear and I have RSVP certain allocated days for;

- the ultimate best friend outing for my darling Elfy who just turned 23. I will make it up to her big time! Everything will go as planned (only that she doesnt have a clue heh)

-a session with you as well Shidah!! Im honored to be involve with something that is going to be a huge part of your life!! I cant wait!! Kau memang best! Macam tahu kan aku suka benda-benda exciting,planning macam ni!!hheehe shhhh ;)

- a date with Anis coming right up,i owe her big time..the long overdue meet up has been postponed for far too long,this one must do...Timing is just nice since its her birthday as well as shes leaving for London very soon i think..I miss her just as much..

-Lunch/dinner date, with a former school mate..I pick dinner la can..Its been awhile man.. His treat and im all for it hehehe

-A visit to the cousin's place to pass my gift to my niece who just turned 2..Haiyah i miss my nephew and niece liao so much....

-oh lastly but not least, i want to allocate a day for Mr LMT, who really doesnt appreciate a lady asking him out by being very nonchalant about it.. Ur gift and goodie is collecting dust as well,this i dont like..i am as busy as you are too,not too hard up for a date with you eh..You are too pampered already.. Im not going to ask you again, i cant be doing all the asking you know.. Therefore,your day depends on your schedule yah..not mine.. Since i have my pride and dignity, dont think i will bring up the matter again after this..lantak la eh..

What happened to the old fashion ways when a guy who asks a girl out eh..? tsk..tskk

Alright, soon soon eh people! Peace out! Muakss!


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