Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Put a Stop to Those numbers..!!

The number has increase to 70 000 people and still counting...
This is really devastating..
Im feeling guilt because we are still protected here..
We human must have done a lot of sins to have such catastrophe to befall on us..

Another freaky news i heard on the radio was that the time difference is minus a few seconds..dats scary shit!we r moving fast..

And its been drizzling non-stop here, n the weather is fact its spookily chilly,i can even hear the wind sound drumming outside when i close the window..

oh well..till later..

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

To Those Who Perish..Rest In Peace..

In two days over 10,000 casualities had died due to Tsunami..It was heart breaking news, my mama has been tuning in for the updates around the clock. When I watch RCTI (an indonesian channel)regarding abt the updates of the casualities,my heart just felt trapped. Each time i see dead bodies flashing thru the screen, i just cant believe how disastrous it had been. There was a scene that touched my heart, it was a dead baby around 7 month old was found by a man floating and as he held that stiffen little body my tears just started welling up. If it was still alive,i can picture him laughing as he has a chubby face and i can imagine him looking very adorable, but then it's lifeless now,the tummy is swelling up and what is worst they don't even know where is his parents. Another thing that saddens me was the fact that they mentioned there was not enough white cloth (for burial rites purposes in muslim religion),that was just unbearable,over here we took things for granted.. Almost most countries in Asia had Tsunami washed over their cities and villages, we were lucky that we did not get it.. I wish i can do sumthg and reach out to give help to them,haizz it is so tragic What a way to usher in 2005...

Is the world coming to an end??it sure is showing signs..gosh..When i watch this things happening i would feel intimidated, and i shud start to repent and not enjoy too much..Its scary,when u think abt it..especially if u are a muslim and u shud know ur responsibilities,i hav not done enuf nor hav i've been a true muslim,i noe dat yet why am i still letting myself being swayed by all the heavenly sinfully things on earth..?But then these thoughts will linger for a moment den it will tucked away at d back of my mind and i will revisit it again.. What can i say im only human..

Anyways apart from this Tsunami, i will like to say sumthing to Baida..
Honey be strong, i know its not easy what u are goin thru..i feel ur pain..truly..
But i dun noe what to say bcos i'll be throwing back what u hav said to me..
U noe i'll be here wen u need me, dun be a stranger to me we've gone true so much and u can get thru this also..i love you sweetie(see im declaring my love for u!)uve been a great fren to me and u dun deserve to be treated dat way by some one who dun noe what's the definition of LOVE TRUST and FAITH..Take care k (MEN CAN BE SUCH AN ASSHOLE SUMTIMES,THEIR MIND CAN BE MURKY WITH THEIR OWN SELFISHNESS AND EGOS..HAIZZ)

Finally,i wud end dis entry wit a happy note, my gendeng came back alredy frm his trip.. haiz gosh i miss him so much,can nvr can used being separated frm him..hehehe..i hope now dat we r back together i want to make our relationship work..ana uhibuki jitdan!muakks!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004


Sisters, originally uploaded by LoLiTa Gallery.

Sisters is about the plight and difficulties faced by the most misunderstood group in our society. The trials and tribulations they face in their pursuit to be who they really are. They look the same, yet so different. Their stories and their quest not to be look down upon and ridiculed but to be accepted as normal and to be a part of society. They may be confined to the far reaches of Changi Village plying their trade as sex workers, but are they any different from you and I?

A docu produced by my classmates..Worth watching,and an eye-opener docu..Go watch!

Venue:The Substation Guinness Theatre
Date: 4 January 2005
Time: 8-10pm
Admission: Free

Friday, December 24, 2004

What's wit Blogging siak??

I had a conversation with one of my friend the previous night..When I told him that im going to start blogging his reaction was "What's wit bloggin siak?",and i realise not evryone will be estatic abt this. He went on and said "wats d point of bloggin wen nobody is goin to read it?". Instead of being offensive and gave him a piece of my mind and tell him to be happy for me that now ive step into this bloggin world n for me its sumthg exciting,(i noe it sounds lame!)i told him yeah maybe no one will ever read my blog but dats not one of d main reason y i hav one nw,its individual preferences n dat is his point of view. i mean dis bloggin thingy has been ard for ages, i didn't bother much until last yr,i just did not hav time to create a blog until now i finally sat dwn n create it..the thing abt blog is, its not abt only writing ur entires but also d part wen u r creating it dats y ive been delaying to hav a blog of my own 'creating it' takes alot of work..damn those html codes[*thax to blogskin for d ready made templates ;)]! Anyways i juz want to hav a gd time writting my tots n opinions while im at it n no i dun want to impress anyone (*hehe mayb myself la) wit d contents of my blog..

On another note, thrs a news that occured which really disturbed my mind. Its abt a 9yr old girl frm Kedah being raped then killed by 14 foreigners. How more cruel can mankind be?? Shes so freaking young, what were d thoughts that ran thru their minds while they commit that crime?? Were they that heartless?? 14 MEN and a young girl visualising it, the young girl must have been helpless..Poor soul..Haizzz..Salam takziah untuk mereka sekeluarga..

**PS: My condolences also goes out to Elfyzawaty and her family whose grandfather passed away laast tuesday.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Welcoming Myself

My first Blog...
My first Entry...