Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So Harry Potter latest movie, have received mixed reviews all over the world.

I don't read Harry Potter books so i dont exactly feel the anguish of fans who read the books. This is not to say that i dont understand how disappointed they were to know that scenes that they were looking forward to like the Quidditch World Cup was not included, missing characters that should have been in the movie or the fact that the storyline changed.

But the one who should feel more devastated is J.K Rowling, i mean its her work being adapted to screen, and from what ive read she was please with the outcome (this could be just for publicity sake) and furthermore she had supervised the making of GOF.

From filmaking aspect its definitely not peanuts to turn the 700 over pages novel into a movie. Doesnt this always occurs to most movies that was adapted from books? Try as they might to follow closely from the book, im sure Mike Newell had face some paranoia to fit everything in the movie, but in the end he did not have the last say on what's going to go on screen. Time constraint, budget, and many other logistic things were things to consider. Give the fella a break, i believe he had done well for being a new director to direct the HP francise, it wasnt as bad as the previous one, HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Special effects had saved the movie, it sure keeps me busy oogling at those rather then grumbled why Hermione did not donned the 'periwinkle dress' according to the book, or that Dumbledore was more tensed.

So yeps, it has been very entertaining to watch, let's cut some slack ok and wait for the fifth installment and how it will fare the next time or if Mike Newell will direct that one too..?


And oh yeah watch Exorcism of Emily Rose as well. A lot of psychological shit going on. The exorcism doesnt scare me much but what goes on in the courtroom that interest me.

We choose what to or not believe. Do i believe in the spiritual realm?
I do, because i had my share of first hand experience with demonic existence.
Questions arise when you watch this movie especially about your own faith.

Religious wise aspect of the movie i dont exactly believe in it, albeit there were similarities with my faith.


So there! 2 out of 3 done..

Now whose gonna watch Just Like Heaven with me..? so far most had watch it..

heh 'dvd' la jawapan-nya..


After the 'mungkin nanti' song was overplayed, i fell in love with peterpan all over again with their new song 'Menunggumu'.

The reason? it moved me, i simply love the words in the song.

Ive been waiting, how long more..?
I just hope i will cease to wait in time..

Haiizz at times like this, the only other song that will get me back to reality is

'I will Survive' by Gloria Gaynor
Sing my heart out and i feel better instantly :)


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