Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I wanted a one-on-one time with myself the previous night after work.
It was just one of those days when solitary became your best friend and let you listen to what your heart says..

One thing i learnt is never to be swayed by what the heart says,
The follow your heart statement is bullshit.
Can you count the number of times when you thought you trusted the heart's intuitive and ended up in the losing end?

So yesterday i made my decision with mind over matter..
It took me half an hour,
But i finally decided to buy the green file instead of the orange.
Although it was the orange that tugged my heartstrings first.
I walked away without looking back, as much as i know i like the orange file better.

I made it sound like it's a life-altering decision,
It is if you change it to a different context.
I gave myself a pat in the back for taking this tiny step of not allowing myself
to brood over 'what ifs'..
Life is too wonderful to bother so much over what your heart is trying to tell you.
At the end of the day i believe, you decide 80% with your logical mind and let the other 20% be your intuitive. Hey you cant neglect that, its very much a part of you..

I know, shake your head and wonder what crap im talking about?
Never mind just understand that right now i have a NEW GREEN FILE! Finally i got all my sheets organise and it looks cool!

Good day everyone!
Happy smiles comes with happy thoughts :)


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