Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hokay so there are those who cant help to wonder who the hell this Mr LMT is.
It is only suffice to say that he is the only man by far who can drive me insane, the one who can easily get on my nerves but can still be nonchalant abt it. The one who loves to mock me like nobody's business and thinks it's for my own good! Oh did i mention that he also loves to push my buttons and be so ignorant? Well not literally of course the pushing the buttons part i mean!

Despite all these, he is also the one who motivates certain aspect of my life by nagging which does me good in the end. Or how very elderly his advises can be and make a lot of sense. The one who i just enjoy having conversations with, the fact that he disagree with almost everything i said really stimulates the mind,which means the intellectual communication somehow turns me on. I must tell you, although he can be very stubborn, he is a gentleman. The kind that treats every lady with utmost care,ewww i cant believe i just said that!! Oh and it's really endearing how we love the same kind of music plus i find it so likable/adorable that he is man enough to love watching romantic movies. I wish all man are that way, the kind that keeps in touch with his feminine side. But my most favourite thing about this man is, how i love the instances he humour me till i get tears in my eyes! Yes he is funny like that! And psst let me share with you, i just love how sexy he sounds when he's at work, very manly!
Heh he is so gonna screw me for just saying that! Yikes!

But let me clarify our status, he is not exactly my boyfriend. What is he then? He is what he is, the man who i am really blessed to have known, who has a very good heart i believe. And oh oh! He score brownie points by bringin me out to have supper across the causeway at a Kelong last Sunday! Its my very first time and i find it so sweet of you to bring me to a lovely venue, as much as im so touched im sure that it was absolutely no plans at all to romanticise me whatsoever! Although right, it could have been better if the sea had been on high tide instead of low, heh..

**Hey you, whatever mix reaction you get upon reading this, i just answered your question you pose to me recently if you can recall. I just find it too mushy to say it verbally to you! Like Oh my god, don't you know i am indeed very shy like that!


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