Monday, December 22, 2008

About 10months back, we hit it off like no other because there is so much to share suddenly.
To a stranger no less.
The chemistry was phenomenal as we rattled away about everything under the sun.

One in particular was this love for photography. He is the practitioner while I am just the photo gazer who loves analyzing photos of different sorts.

On normal nights, our conversation consists of any website or blog I discovered of a photographer. We raved, we compared and we learned for hours. Other times he will be talking about how he cant wait to get his hands on a new camera lens, latest accessories, different techniques and we even discuss the possibility of me having my own dslr. If I do, I have it easy since I have my own personal instructor on standby. Heh but he is kind to advice not to rush myself into this since he has been observing how people have been buying dslr because it is cool to have one but know nuts what ISO even means. He foresee it as exciting though, if I do get one and imagine all the things we can do together :)

My dark knight a former industrial designer who decided to leave that field of career to move on to a more realistic job while at the same time he is furthering his studies very soon have decided that photography shall remained a serious hobby to make sure he does not lose his flair for the arts (in general).

His relationship with his camera can get quite intense but one which I gladly approved :)

After putting much thought to it and how multiply is getting boring. He decided to create his own photo blog to post his photos as well as to serve as his own portfolio. It is still not 100% done yet but if you are reading this, spend sometime and click here.

And if you must know, I always have weakness for men behind the lens since the longest time. They are truly sexy.

(Sorry sweetie! I stole this property of yours heh, please still adore me)

Now that I own one, bless me!


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