Sunday, May 21, 2006

Ok the deed was done! What do i think of The Da vinci Code?
Well firstly to be fair any movies that has been adapted from a book will surely be adjusted. Some scenes were cut or even axe and some new scenes added. Im fine with that.

But true enough the code breaking scenes was a disappointment, it was very haste. There was no awe, or the adrenalin rushing in wonderment after the code was being broken (which was what i felt when reading the book). It didn't help that Tom Hanks was quite expressionless when he was either thinking or breaking the code. There was no climax when it comes to that. Silas whose character was the most anticipating one to watch did ok i guess he wasnt as agressive and a tad bit weak but still convincing nonetheless.And it became draggy towards the end, (i knew because i was already fidgeting in my seat and tapping my foot impatiently) they could have made use of the time to bring forward and probably add the scenes that was cut.

On the other hand, Audrey Tatou was a beauty to watch and that french accent was addictive, and she potrayed the character Sophie Neveu quite well. Sir Ian Mckellen as Leigh Teabing steals the show eventually with his light hearted english humor.

And my favourite scenes in the movie? It has to be the part Silas was torturing himself and i got to see the cilice that he was wearing,quite gory.. as well as the last scene of the movie when Robert Langdon figured the resting place of Mary Magdalene. Too bad most scenes were during the night, did not capture much the beautiful historical places at its best though..

I guess if you have not read the book, you will enjoy it better. I happen to ask Baidah what she thought of it from her perspective since she had not read it, according to her it was confusing at first but she enjoyed the suspense building up.

My conclusion of the movie, it certainly did not live up to my initial expectations but its still a good enough movie to watch..So dont miss it!

**chet like real like that ah my review heh
Coming soon X-men!!


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