Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ok shidah darling firstly thanks to you for being the great girlfriend that you are by forwarding me the email alert!

Charles and Keith are having up to 70% warehouse sale ya'll till this Sunday!

It was the only thing that kept me on my feet the whole day at work before my day ends! Like it was truly TGIF! I dragged along a perfect victim for my pursuit so as to share my guilt hehee.. Anyway, it was exactly what i need to feel liberated to push away certain matters that is bugging me.. The perfect cure? Bags and shoes is every woman weakness, this is one fact you can never go wrong.

Kak Lini and myself accomplished what we set out to do and came out a survivor, you cannot believe when we saw every woman at the warehouse turned into greedy monsters, filling in every nook and cranny with barely space to even have a gasped of decent air! The madness! Of course, after planning strategically how we would go about it, we embarked on our starting point (yes that is very critical!), we were so proud of ourselves to brave through the many obstacles we had, more like rough it out! Hahaa it was hilarious! But you should see all the ladies walked out of the warehouse looking satisfied with their purchases.. Phew! I could do this everyday you know, i think its almost as equivalent as working out in a gym!

And Kak Lini the experience was orgasmic, ok not in that horny sorta way! Plus getting 101 lessons from you is priceless! Yups getting your hubby 2 pairs of shoes reason being an advance father's day gift was a smart move! Khehehe i took down all the necessary notes and its all in my little black book... Im sure it will come in handy when my time comes in the future ;)..And by the way i always enjoy watching you and abang hisham have the usual 'romantic bickering', you guys never fail to entertain me on our way back home..

Oh Great Singapore Sale is coming soon isnt it..? Looks like we ladies can look forward to more workouts in the upcoming month.. Hello Blistered toes.. Bye bye kachings ;)
The ingenious things we do to keep our minds occupied.. Its almost the same euphoria like watching soccer actually or at least that's how I see it ;)


Talking to you is like talking to a wall..


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