Thursday, December 13, 2007

Taking in the consideration that my dear friend couldn't hold the suspense a bit longer since she let the cat out of the bag..

So for now I just have this...

Yes, the surprise for Miss Siti Nurbaidah was to pamper her with a much needed relaxing affair for the mind, soul and especially body!

Hehe give me another day please..? The need to express how lovely our day was spent is uncontainable but for now I am pretty dead beat..

My feelings were cheated a few times and promises were broken. Too many bad news in a day can really take a toll on oneself.. Oh stop yourself from thinking otherwise heh, I'm talking about work alright.


When I have people who cancelled my filming appointments, the panic mode can only get too much, to a point whereby I or rather Kak Lini and I got numb of thinking solutions. Thank god, up to date everything ended well today..

Let's hope tomorrow I will not be wash over with another major panic wave.. I simply couldn't handle it if this occurs everyday for the rest of the series. Never have been this bad..

Now Lis breathe in ...and..out, and I believe sleep might do me some good ;)


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